Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

2 Subjects

Cross Cultural Interview Paper

Cultural Interview

Q The Cross-Cultural Interview Paper is a written integration of the completed cross cultural interview, course materials and academic sources. ***Please note the following changes. The paper will count 125 points to include the interview points. See specific details for the interview points below. Also!!! I HAVE CHANGED THE PAPER LENGTH REQUIREMENT TO AT LEAST 3 PAGES DOUBLE SPACED (NOT INCLUDING TITLE PAGE OR REFERENCE LIST) to assist with more timely grading. Therefore a shorter interview of 30-45 minutes is allowed, not to extend beyond one hour*** I am expecting the following in your paper: 2. Students will conduct a virtual face-to-face interview with their approved interviewee via zoom or online forum. Plan to spend at least 30-45 minutes with the interviewee to obtain enough information to write a full cultural paper. DO NOT GO BEYOND ONE HOUR WITH YOUR INTERVIEWEE. Again, this interview is to be conducted via video conference NOT by phone or audio only. Detailed information will describe the process of the interview.

Q ? There is no requirement to submit a recorded video or audio of the interview. However, virtual interviewing is required to ensure nonverbal and process observations ? During the actual interview, each student should pay attention to nonverbal communication patterns between him/herself and the interviewee. This is a requirement that is expected in your Cross Cultural Interview paper to contribute to your "interview points". Ensure that you look for this during your interview. (10 points) ? Each student is required to notate his or her initial impressions/reflections before the interview as well as his or her reactions during and after the interview (15 points). These observations should be clearly written in your Cross-Cultural Interview paper in order to receive full interview credit. ? Nonverbal reactions, reflections, impressions, and integration of experience and content is warranted to o describe the process of the interview in your cross cultural papers. You must include these to receive full interview points in your paper (summed 25 points total)

Q Examples of this includes discussion of your reactions (thoughts, feelings, and bodily experiences) before, during, and after the interview, as well as your interviewee’s nonverbal behavior, and factors that influenced the interview...such as closeness, eye contact, language differences, space, etc. This information will help me determine that the interview was actually completed and that you were able to assess cross cultural similarity or difference in the actual experience in addition to the information that the interviewee describes. 2. Detailed information to discuss the content of the interview include a written: • (15 points) o summary of your expectations based on your class readings/discussions or personal cultural experiences. o Also, notate any specific cultural similarities observed or reported during your interview. o Notate any specific cultural similarities and/or differences observed or reported during your interview.

Q o NOTE: I am expecting that you clearly list the major cultural group in which the interviewee identifies and that you observe (e.g., millennial, heterosexual, typically developing (ability), African American woman who identifies with Christian religion as well as cultural experiences from lower to middle class income statuses and higher educational attainment VS describing your interviewee as "my multicultural professor." YOU MUST LIST YOUR AND YOUR INTERVIEWEE'S RELEVANT CULTURAL FACTORS THAT ARE SIMILAR AND DIFFERENT (I.E, RACE/ETHNICITY, RELIGION, SES, DISABILITY, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, NATIONALITY, GENDER, AGE/GENERATION) CLEARLY. The goal is cultural appreciation and understanding vs color blindness for this activity. Therefore, I encourage you to help me see the cultural experiences and the cultural identities of your interviewees. ;) o NOTE: differences mean that you also identify your cultural factors as well. • (25 points)

Q o Summary of the information you received from the interviewee. In particular, the summary should include what you learned about the interviewee's reports of his or her cultural experiences, cultural intersections, as well as cultural values and beliefs. o NOTE: The premise of the cultural interview paper is for you to learn about another person's cultural experience; therefore, this is an important requirement in the paper. It is a subtle difference but one I will look for as an important component of the paper. An example that illustrates the difference is: "I see racism and discrimination on the news and facebook. It's all over the place." vs "When I hear about these different stories, it really makes me fearful..that's why I don't go to x,y, and z..." The first example gave information and facts...However, the second example goes into detail about how those facts impact the interviewees' life. • (45 points)

Q o Analysis of course information and how the interviewee’s information/content/lived experiences supported or did not support course information, sources, and course dialogue. o Description of your reaction to collected information based on your own cultural experiences and knowledge of the person’s culture based on class information. o Discussion of your understanding of cross cultural processes during the interview. o Projections of how the interview can inform a clinician’s work with clients with similar cultural experiences. The written review must include references to and applications of required readings and other relevant resources.

Q • (5 points) o You must reference at least 3 sources such as academic journal articles, books, newspaper articles, or documentaries. The actual interview and quotes from the interview are a credible source, but do not count as one of the 3 required sources. The course lectures do not count as a source. • (5 points) o The paper should be at least 3-pages in length (not including the title page and reference page • (10 points) o The paper should be written in APA Style.

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I did my cross-cultural interview with my coworker Ariadna Magana (Ari). I have known her for about 7 months now. She has a bubbly personality, high pitch voice and always excited and happy. I never got to know her in depth like I did during our interview. She left me shocked, I did not expect her to open up with me that quickly, especially about her religion and family.